Copyright © 2023 by NIAE
All rights reserved. No part of this work, covered by the copyrights herein, may be reproduced or copied in any form, or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE).
Published in 2023
ADOPTED 1975. UPDATED & REVISED, 1985, 1992, 2001, 2014 AND 2023

The Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers (NSAE) was established in 1975 with RC NO.7940.
Consequent upon a Merger Agreement of the Society with the Nigerian Society of Engineers {NSE} on 17th July 1999, the Society metamorphosed into the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers {NIAE}: A DIVISION OF THE NSE hereinafter referred to as the Institution.
Since inception in 1975, the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Society/Institution have always been reviewed from time to time to reflect the changing trends in the teaching and practice of the profession. This Revision which is being undertaken in the year 2023 is one of such reviews.
Section 1: NAME
The name of the Institution shall be the “Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers” abbreviated as NIAE; a Division of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, {NSE}.
1. The Institution shall be governed by this Constitution and the Bye Laws which shall be made from time to time.
2. The affairs of the Institution shall be managed by the National Executive Council {NEC} elected from its Corporate Membership and which shall have the following functions:
i) Full control of the activities of the Institution in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
ii) The power to recommend amendment to the Bye Laws and Rules in harmony with the Constitution, to the Annual General Meeting {AGM} for consideration and approval or otherwise.
iii) Positions in the National Executive Council {NEC} shall be rotational among the Geopolitical Zones, to ensure harmony, fairness, equity and shared sense of belonging and common ownership across the nation
Section 3: OBJECTS
The object of the Institution shall among others include the following:
a) To promote the science and art of Engineering in Agriculture.
b) To encourage original research in agriculture and related fields
c) In all possible ways, promote Agricultural Engineering Education.
d) To advance in every possible way the standard of Agricultural Engineering practice.
e) To link with Government, NSE, COREN or any relevant authorized agencies on promulgation of extant laws and policies to guide, protect and promote the practice of Agricultural Engineering in the country
f) To encouraged[U1] professional development of its members
g) To regulate and certify projects and businesses towards ensuring conformity with its standards or recommended practices
1. The membership of the Institution shall comprise the following
a) Corporate Membership and Affiliate Cadres made up of Members and Fellows who are graduates of agricultural and biosystems engineering (to provide leadership) or allied disciplines that the Institution may consider from time to time.
b) Honorary Fellows and Associate Members who are not agricultural engineering graduates
c) Graduate Members who have just completed their undergraduate agricultural engineering programme and Students Members undergoing their undergraduate programme in agricultural engineering
d) Corporate Firm/Company Members
2. The rights and privileges of members shall not be transferable
3. Each financial corporate member shall be entitled to vote and be voted for on any matter or issues before the Institution.
4. A financial member, whether Corporate or otherwise shall be that member who is up to date in the payment of dues, annual subscription and other levies. (A Financial Member must not be indebted to the Institution in any form)
1. Members of all grades shall be elected by the National Executive Council
2. A Fellow shall be an Engineer of acknowledge professional eminence with outstanding contribution in the field of or to the Profession of Agricultural Engineering and shall have met the requirements for Corporate Membership and shall have been at least ten (10) years in that grade. He shall also have had a minimum of twenty (20) years of active practice in the profession of Engineering.
3. Honorary Fellowship Award: A highly distinguished individual, not necessarily a member of NIAE, may be elected an Honorary Fellow without formal application.
4. Any person in any other discipline who has contributed to the progress of Technological
Advancement in Nigeria in Agricultural Engineering can be elected an Honorary Fellow of NIAE on the recommendation of the Board of Fellows
5. A corporate member can be elected a fellow of the Institution after satisfying conditions stated in 2 above.
6. The Board of Fellows will be responsible for recommending candidates for the Fellowship Grade to the National Executives Council.
7. A Corporate Member shall be a qualified Agricultural Engineering graduate, with at least two (2) years post – qualification experiences. He must be a graduate from a professional – regular Agricultural Engineering Curriculum (or its Engineering equivalent) from a duly accredited and recognized Institution.
8. An Honorary Member shall be a person of acknowledge eminence who must have made
significant /outstanding contributions to the profession of Agricultural Engineering.
9. A Graduate Member shall be a person who is qualified academically for Corporate
Membership but who is less than or has not met the two (2) years relevant post – qualification experience in Agricultural Engineering and has so applied for admission to the grade.
10. A Student Member shall be an undergraduate registered in a professional Agricultural Engineering Curriculum (or its engineering equivalent) at an approved/recognized Institution.
11. Rights and Privileges of membership are as implicit in this constitution
Section 6: FUNDS
The Institution’s Funds shall consist of and to be sourced from the following: –
1. Annual Dues by Members
The annual dues of members in each grade shall be as provided for and stipulated by the Bye Laws, and as amended from time to time. The National Executives
Council may, by a three fourth ballot in favor, vote any existing schedule of annual dues and any other fees and charges. Payment of dues may be made in installments, but never to exceed the end of first quarter of the relevant financial year.
No increase in dues shall have effect until a formal, circularized notification, at least three (3) months prior to the commencement of the period for which the increase is to become effective.
2. Grants, fees and loan from internal and external sources, approved by the National
Executive Council.
3. The Deposit, investment and Disbursement of all funds shall be subject to the directives of
the National Executive Council.
4. Investing in, participation, or promotion of investible and viable enterprises in line with its professional competence
7.1 Composition of the National Executive Council
The National Executive Council shall include the following officers
i. The National Chairman;
ii. The National Vice Chairman
iii. The National Secretary;
iv. The National Assistant Secretary
v. The National Treasurer (shall work with Admin Assistant for collection of revenue)
vi. The National Technical Secretary
vii. The Immediate Past National Chairman
viii. The Chairman, Editorial Board
ix. The Chairman Board of Fellows
x Executive Director of the National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization, {NCAM}; Ilorin
xi. The Six Regional Chairmen.
xii. The Chairperson of Women Agricultural and Bioresources Engineers Forum (WABEF) or her representative.
xiii. The Business Manager
7.2. The election to the positions of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer in the National Executive Committee shall express geographical spread and in geopolitical rotation.
7.3. The National Executive Council shall hold office for a period of two (2) years. No member shall be elected any office for more than two consecutive terms
7.4. Elections shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each candidate shall be proposed and seconded by two (2) corporate members
7.5. The National Executive Council shall be responsible for the appointment of National working committee for drawing up annual programme of activities and approval of committee’s recommendations.
7.6. The National Executive Council may at any time, delegate to any corporate member of the institution, the performance of any specified assignment/duty required by the constitution to be performed by any member of the National Executives Council.
7.7. The National Executive Council shall meet during or immediately after the close of the Annual General Meeting-AGM of the institution and at such other times as may be deemed fit, and at the request of the Chairman.
7.8 Quorum of NEC meeting shall be minimum of Six (6) members including the National Chairman or the Vice; the National Secretary or the Assistant and at least one of the Regional Chairmen.
7.9. The National Executive Council shall provide for a yearly report (Annual Report) of the affairs of the institution which shall be presented at and to form part of the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting-AGM.
7.10. There shall be for the instruments of authority and in their proper places, the chairman’s medallion and the institution’ mace, for the direction and validation of the affairs of the sessions of National Executive Council and Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- The Powers of National Executive Council
The National Executive Council shall have powers thus:
- To implement all decisions of National Executive Council of NIAE
- To carry out all decisions of the Annual General meeting
- To initiate such policies and actions that is for the wellbeing of the NIAE, subject to the approval of the members of the Congress.
- To pursue policies that will promote, uplift and propagate the Agricultural and Biosytems Engineering profession.
- To recruit membership at all levels: Corporate, Fellows, Associate, Graduate and Students on yearly basis.
- Important Notes
- Three Man auditing committee will replace the function of two Auditors. This shall not be part of excos. They shall be elected every two years at the AGM
- The work of the Publication Secretary will be carried out under the office of the National Chairman with Admin Staff as well as the Chairman of Editorial Board
- The National Treasurer (shall work with Admin Staff for collection of revenue)
- NEC shall only take care of the accommodation of Regional Chairmen. The transportation of Regional Chairmen shall be responsibilities of their regions and chapters. Henceforth induction of students and corporate members shall be carried out at Regional and State levels. The money collected shall be that of the regions and chapters
7.13 Functions of the National Executive Council
- The National Chairman
The National Chairman shall be the head of the National Executive Council (NEC).
- He shall oversee the activities of NIAE and shall preside over all the affairs of NIAE including meetings of the National Executive Council as well as Annual General Meetings of the NIAE.
- He shall represent or take decisions on behalf of the NIAE membership in consultation with the National Executive Council.
- He shall be signatory to all the Accounts of the NIAE as well as sign all minutes/documents (official) of meetings.
- He shall call Emergency, General or Executive Meetings when/where the need arises.
b. The National Vice Chairman
– The Vice chairman shall deputize for the National Chairman at all meetings and functions as stated above.
– In the absence, any member duly nominated by the NEC membership at the respective meetings shall preside.
– He is also the Chairman of the Conference Planning Committee
- The National Secretary
- The National Secretary shall be responsible to the National Executive Council for the administration of the NIAE secretariat, custodian of all the correspondences, letters, certificates, appointments, ethics and standards.
- He shall prepare and submit an Inception and Annual Reports on the activities of the NIAE to the appropriate authorities say NSE and at the last meeting of the financial year to the National Executive Council (NEC) and AGM.
- He shall call for programs/activities of the NIAE regions/chapters and liaise with the NEC for smooth implementation of these activities.
- He shall prepare agenda of the meeting, prepare minutes, sign minutes of meeting and fix dates for meetings in consultation with the National Chairman.
- He shall collate reports from the chapters and regions for NIAE records and possible presentation at AGM as well as for group dynamic report/competition and keep comprehensive membership directory/reports.
- The National Assistant Secretary
- The National Assistant Secretary shall assist or deputize for the National Secretary where necessary.
- He is statutorily be the Secretary of Board of Fellows of the NIAE. He is charged with the responsibility for the call for fellowship, sales and issuance of fellowship forms, processing of the forms in consultation with the Chairman, Board of Fellows and presentation of such thus to the NEC of NIAE for approval and ratification at AGM.
- He shall be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to him from time to time by the National Chairman and NEC.
- The National Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
- Be a signatory to the NIAE Bank Accounts.
- Receive all monies/dues to the NIAE and deposit such in the NIAE bank Accounts within three (3) working days of receipt if it is cash.
- Keep records showing receipts and expenditures of all NIAE transactions
- Prepare a statement of Accounts to the National Executive Council (NEC) quarterly.
- Be in custody of the NIAE’s Cheque Books as well as give reports at NEC and AGM.
- Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to him from time to time by the National Chairman/NEC.
- Business Manager:
The business manager shall:
- make arrangement of venue, logistics and smooth running of every meetings of the NEC meeting and other rules of engagement during the meeting.
- assist in observing and maintaining decorum during NEC meetings, as well as strict compliance to the rules of proceedings/timetable of the programme of events/meeting and also call for adjustment where necessary in consultation with the National Chairman.
- Help to keep the National Secretariat in Order as well as assist the National Secretary in the administration of the Secretariat as may be directed by the National Secretary.
- Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to them from time to time by the National Chairman/NEC.
- Immediate Past National Chairman:
Immediate Past National Chairman shall assist the NEC:
- To discuss, debate, make firm decisions in advisory role, and vote at NEC meetings on any issue of utmost importance as well as advise NEC on medium- long term goals of the NIAE.
- Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to him/her from time to time by the National Chairman/NEC
- Executive Director NCAM
Executive Director NCAM shall be:
- Responsible to liaise with NEC through the National Chairman on issues of importance to NIAE, Agricultural Engineering in the country and general public in terms of government policy guidelines and regulations and shall work closely with the Editor-in-Chief of our journal, and the National Technical Secretary for smooth publication and other technical transactions of NIAE in consultation with the NEC.
- Guide, direct and advise the, NEC, Standing/Ad-Hoc Committee and the House on all issues concerning the general upliftment of professionalism in Agricultural Engineering in terms of codes and standards.
- Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to him from time to time by the Chairman/NEC.
- All the Regional Chairmen of NIAE zones in the Country
Their duties as members of NEC are to:
- Implement decisions taken at the NEC meeting at the regional level as well as organize regional conferences, workshops, industrial visit/ activities for the growth of our profession.
- Articulate strategies for membership drive and enrolment through the state chapters across the country
- Make our profession visible in their region by solving problems of the communities around the regions.
- Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to them from time to time by the chairman/NEC
- Editor in Chief of JAET
The Editor-in-chief of JAET is the manager of our Journal in print or digital publication; He has to work with team of designated Editors in our profession to determine the look and feel of the publication.
He has the final say in what is published and what is not, and leads the publication’s team of editors, copyeditors, and writers. He serves as the leaders of publications. As such, they have a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the smooth operation of journal, or other publication. There has to be synergy between Editor-in-Chief and National Technical Secretary where necessary because of overlap. The duties of the Editor-in-Chief include:
– Determine publishing guidelines: He determines the aims and scope of the publication as well as guidelines. He administers and instructs the editorial personnel on appropriate publication in terms of volumes and issues as the case may be.
– Establishment of Editorial Board: The Editorial Board is appointed by Editor-in-Chief subject to the approval of the National Chairman/NEC. Therefore, outline of each journal publication should be initiated by the editorial team, compiled and approved by the Editor-in-Chief. He delegates the issue to the Editors and finally do the final review of the issue to ensure the content is up to the publication’s standards. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for mapping out the content and ensuring it is consistent with the publication’s scope.
– Review content: The Editor-in-Chief reviews the content of each issue and makes sure it is free of copy errors or inappropriate content (for example, libel). In case the authors are allowed to submit their paper in any form, the editor-in-chief with the editorial team will be more involved in the editing and formatting process as well as review the publication multiple times, even engaging in copyediting, before the final review and possible publication. Where article publication fees are paid, the editor in chief with the editorial teams decides the charges, may be per page or journal article.
– Engage the editorial team: The Editor-in-Chief is a key part of the team and as such sets up the tone of the office environment. He has the capacity to engage any staff that will enhance the work.
– Write editorials: The Editor-in-Chief will contribute written pieces to the publication periodically either as full articles or as introductory editorial pieces that serve as a prologue to the issue’s content.
– Manage the budget: The Editor-in-Chief manages the publication’s budget and determines where incoming money will be best used. This means they can choose to allocate resources for productivity, to hire new staff members, to increase pay rates to be more competitive, and so on.
– Represent the publication: The Editor-in-Chief’s job is not always behind a desk, they are also the face of the publication, and they are responsible for representing it at publishing conferences and social events. Public relations is a vital part of marketing and fundraising for the publication.
– Be responsible for any other matter as may be referred to him from time to time by the Chairman/NEC.
To contest or to be eligible for position, the following are the guidelines
8.1 National Chairman
- He must have served meritoriously either as Vice Chairman for two years or Regional Chairman for at least three years.
- Must have been in NEC and participated in meetings and activities of NEC. Attendance of at least 75% in NEC meetings
- Must know the workings of NIAE and NEC
- Shall only serve ONE term of two years.
- Must be visionary and result oriented person with the ability to galvanise available resources for the advancement of the profession
8.2 National Vice Chairman
- Must have served meritoriously either as National Secretary for two years, Regional Chairman for at least two years or State Chairman for at least three years
- Must have been in NEC and participated in meetings and activities of NEC. Attendance of at least 75% in NEC meetings
- Must know the workings of NIAE and NEC
- Be ready to work with the National Chairman in realizing the goals and objectives of NIAE
8.3 Regional Chairman
- Shall be elected by the Regional members or nominated and appointed by NEC in consultations with elders of the region
- They shall spend TWO years with renewable appointment for another two years based on satisfactory performance.
- Must have served either as State Chairman or as National Exco member or State Exco member very satisfactorily
- General Guidelines for all Aspirants
- Take the electoral form.
- Pay for the form. The amount to be paid can be suggested and approved by NEC
- Complete and submit form before deadline
- Be screened to meet the criteria for the post to which he/she is vying for.
- Be ready to give manifesto before election
- An active member of his or her region/chapter NIAE i.e consistent in meeting and chapter activities
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the national level.
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the state/branch level where they exist
- Attended up to 50% of the state NIAE AGM in the last 10 years.
- Ready to prepare an issue-based manifesto
- General Guidelines for all Voters
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the national level.
- Ready to vote candidate of their choice based on their conviction
- Must register with their emails and phone numbers for them to vote online wherever they are
- Electioneering
- Information and announcement of election shall be made at least a month by the Secretary and call for nomination to elective posts shall not be less than 30 days of date of election. Members of outgoing executives can only nominate one member of the same outgoing executive for reelection, renewal or any new posts.
- Unopposed candidature in any election shall not be more than 20% of outgoing membership.
- Adjudication of election petition shall be by a different committee from the electioneering body.
- Election of Regional Chairmen shall correspondingly be undertaken at same time with NEC or not more than three (3) months after that of a new NEC.
- Regional Chairmen can also be appointed by NEC in consultation with the elders of the Regions concerned
1. The meeting of the Institution shall consist of an Annual General Meeting – AGM, and any special /extra – ordinary business meetings.
2. The Annual General Meeting of the Institution shall be held at such time and place as the National Executive Council shall decide.
3. A special/Extra – ordinary business meeting of the institution may be convened at any time and place, at the discretion of the National Executive Council.
4. The Secretary shall upon a written request, of twenty (20) Corporate Members in good financial standing and spread across the Regions, call a special business meeting of the Institution.
5. The notice of a special business meeting shall be sent out at least thirty (30) clear days prior to the date of meeting and shall state the business to be considered and no other business may be considered at the meeting.
6. The Institution Mace and The Chairman’s Medallion, and proper place, shall constitute the instruments of authority and validation of the meetings of the institution.
The Administration of the Institution shall consist of basic organization of her membership into regions, as per existing geo- political Zones; branches, as per existing states; and chapters, as per cities/towns and academic/research institution, as per grades, which shall operate under the provision of the Constitution, Bye laws and Rules, provided the membership is up to forty (40)
The papers and publication of the Institution shall be issued in such a manner as the National Executive Council may direct, subject to the provisions of the Institution’s Bye Laws and Rules.
1. In all professional and business relations, the members of the Institution shall be governed by the canons and ethics for Engineers and Engineering Practice incorporated in the Bye Laws and Rules.
2. Any member who omits or acts in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Institution or is found guilty of conduct unbecoming of a member, may be expelled by a two – third votes in favor thereof, by the National Executive Council, after he/she has been given an opportunity to be heard in /her own defense, either orally, in writing or both.
1. The National Executives Council – NEC shall have power to order for a revision of the Constitution as situation may demand and propose same for adoption in form of amendments. NEC’s recommendations shall be appropriately dispatched to members ahead of the AGM at which it is to be discussed and the adoption of which shall be by two – thirds vote in favor, by members present.
2. Alternatively, at any Business Meeting of the Institution, the National Executive Council and any member entitled to vote may propose in writing an amendment to any section of his constitution, provided the proposal for the amendment shall bear the endorsement of at least twenty (20) Corporate Members.
3. Any proposed amendment (as in 13(2) above) shall not be voted for adoption at the meeting, but shall be open to discussion and modification, and to a vote as to whether in its original or modified form, it shall be mailed to Corporate Members of the Institution for further consideration.
4. If the members present at the meeting, not less than twenty (20) voting in favor thereof shall so decide, then the Secretary shall mail to each voting member, at least sixty (60) clear days before the next Special Business Meeting of the Institution, a copy of the proposed amendment as so decided by the said vote, accompanied by any comment of the National Executive Council.
5. A ballot shall be sent with the proposed amendment, and the voting shall be by sealed letter ballot, closing at the noon of the twentieth clear-day preceding the Business Meeting of the Institution following the mailing.
6. The adoption of the amendment shall require a vote in its favor of two-third of the votes cast.
7. The Presiding Officer at the meeting of the Institution following the close of the ballot, shall announce the result, and if the amendment is adopted, it shall thereupon take effect.
Section 14: AMENDMENT
1. Any change in the order of numbering of the provision of the constitution, Bye Laws and Rules necessitated by any amendment, shall be made under the direction of the National Executive Council.
2. This Constitution shall take effect from the date of the adoption by two-thirds of the votes of voting-members at an Annual General Meeting AGM/Extra ordinary General Meeting, convened for its adoption or notice thereof.
3. The National Executive Council shall direct the transition in the best interest of the Institution in all cases where a change of practice necessitated by an amendment may best be effected over a reasonable period of time.
(i) The AGM on the recommendation of the Executive Committee shall appoint a Board of Trustees of Seven Members, including the Chairman who shall be the most ranking as the most senior Past National Chairman in service to the Institution. Four Members of the Board shall be Past National Chairman, whilst the others shall have been active Members of the Institution for at least 15years and a Fellow for at least 10 years.
(ii) The tenure of Members of the Board shall be 3years in the first instance with one -third of Members retiring thereafter each year in chronological order of appointment. In the case of Foundation Members, retirement shall be in alphabetical order. A retiring Member shall be eligible for re-appointment, provided that no Member shall serve for more than three (3) terms
Responsibilities of Board of Trustees
- The board shall meet at least twice a year. However, they shall call for emergency to consider vital issues when it arises. A third of the members (3 members) shall form quorum at BOT meetings
- They shall see to the discipline of NEC members.
- They shall see that the budget of NIAE executed well
- They shall receive the budget for approval at least a month before the end of the year,
- They shall ensure that the Executive Council and NEC execute the strategic plan of NIAE or each term of the executive council
- They shall ensure that the constitution and bye laws are followed
- They guide the NEC in his affairs
- They shall handle all matters of bye elections misconduct and other related issues
- They shall assist NEC in handling legal matters
- They shall ensure that erring exco members are disciplined. The National Chairman shall write to inform BOT of such officers.
Shall ensure that NIAE does not get bankrupt and it spends within the limits of his income and budget at any point.
The Institution shall register all her landed and movable properties with the appropriate authorities of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Where considered beneficial, the Institution shall go into and sign MOU with professional bodies. Such MOU must state clearly the benefits to be derived by members as individuals and the Institution as a body. The commitments of the Institution in such MOU must also be well spelt out
The Nigerian Society of Agricultural Engineers was established in 1975. Consequent upon a merger of the Society with the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) on 17th July, 1999 the Society metamorphoses into the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE); a Division of the NSE, hereinafter referred to as the Institution. This revision of the Institution Bye-laws and Rules reflects the current status of NIAE vis-à-vis the NSE. The Bye-Laws and Rules explain and complement the general provisions of the Constitution.
Every question, which shall come before a meeting of the Institution, or of the National Executive or of a Committee or other organized group within the Institution, shall be decided by a majority of votes cast, unless otherwise provided in the Constitution, the Bye-Laws and Rules, or by the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Rules of NSE, or by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Article 2: OBJECTS
The objects of the Institution shall be accomplished by:
R(1) Advancing the theory and practice of engineering in agriculture and the allied sciences and arts by:
(a) Encouraging research, experimentation, tests, and other original work in agricultural engineering;
(b) Encouraging the preparation of original papers on agricultural engineering topics;
(c) Holding meetings for the presentation and discussion of original papers, and participation in meetings with other engineering and scientific groups;
(d) Publishing papers and reports and disseminating knowledge and experience of value to engineers in agricultural engineering work;
(e) Developing and promulgating standards, cods, formulae and recommended practices;
(f) Offering awards and other honours to encourage contributions to agricultural engineering, conferring awards and other honours in recognition of meritorious contributions to agricultural engineering; and
(g) Encouraging intercourse among engineers generally for the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience.
R(2) Enhancing the status of the engineer in agricultural engineering work by:
(a) Maintaining high technical and cultural standards for admission to the Institution;
(b) Co-operating with educational Institutions in the maintenance of high standards of Education for agricultural engineering;
(c) Requiring a high standard of ethical practice by members of the Institution;
(d) Aiding in the adoption of a high standard of attainment for the granting of the legal right to the practice of professional engineering;
(e) Encouraging among students of agricultural engineering the study of such subjects as will equip them with a proper cultural and technical foundation for achieving the optimum of enjoyment for themselves and of usefulness to society;
(f) Encourage the personal and professional development of young engineers in agricultural engineering works; and
R(3) Increasing the usefulness of the organized engineering profession as a whole by;
(a) Cooperating with other engineering and technical societies;
(b) Encouraging a high standard of citizenship among all engineers;
(c) Encouraging members of the Institution to participate in public affairs;
(d) Cooperating with governmental agencies in matters involving agricultural engineers; and
(e) Publicizing the engineering profession through the achievements of agricultural engineers.
R(1) Each member shall be entitled to a certificate of membership, signed by the Chairman
and the Secretary of the Institution, which shall remain the property of the Institution
and be returned on demand.
R(2) Abbreviation of the titles to be used by members shall be as follows:
Fellow FNIAE
Member MNIAE
Honorary Fellow Hon FNIAE
Honorary Member Hon. MNIAE
Affiliate Member Affl. NIAE
Graduate Member Grad. NIAE
Student Member ……………
Corp. Firm Member …………….
Affiliate Institutions …………….
R(3) Each member shall be entitled to wear the emblem approved by the National Executive for his grade of membership.
R(4) Each member desiring to resign shall deposit with the Secretary any badge and certificate of membership in his possession, the stipulated refund for which shall be made to him by the Secretary upon acceptance of his resignation.
R(1) A candidate for admission to the Institution in any grade, except that of Fellows and
Honorary member shall make application on an approved NIAE form.
R(2) A candidate for admission to the Institution except a Fellow or an Honorary Member
should refer to at least two (2) members who have personal knowledge of his
R(3) Any suitably qualified corporate organization shall be admitted to corporate firm member of the Institution at the discretion of the National Executive.
R(4) A candidate for admission to the Institution a Student member must be endorsed by the Head of the Agricultural Engineering Department or the Faculty Adviser of the student branch located at the Institution where he is a student, and must be sponsored by 2 corporate members of the Institution in good standing.
R(5) Any application for membership from a candidate who may not be able to give the necessary number of references, may be recommended by the National Executive Council for ballot after sufficient evidence has been obtained to show that the candidate is worthy of admission to membership. Such candidate may refer to officers or voting members of other Societies or Institution of like standing.
R(6) The sponsors of each candidate shall be requested to make such confidential communications to the Secretary as will enable the National Executive Council to arrive at a proper assessment of the eligibility of the candidate. All such confidential material shall be destroyed by the Secretary within a reasonable period after acceptance of election by payment of the admission fee and annual dues.
R(7) Each candidate approved by the National Executive Council shall be assigned to the grade of membership to which his/her qualifications entitles him/her.
R(8) From the Institution’s register, the Secretariat shall compile, every year, a list of members who are eligible to be elected as Fellows of Institution.
R(9) (a) The National Executive shall contact in writing, each of the listed members
requesting for:
- The members consent (or interest) to become a Fellow,
- A comprehensive curriculum vitae,
- three references who must themselves be Fellows.
(b) The National Executive shall appoint a Board of Fellows. No Member of the
National Executive shall be appointed member of the Board of Fellows. The board shall consist of five members who are Fellows or are eligible to be elected as Fellows. The Secretariat shall secure references from the three referees of each candidate and forward to the board under confidential cover. The board shall assess the curriculum vitae and references of each candidate, and make necessary recommendations to the National Executive.
(c) Unsuccessful candidates can be reassessed two years after the initial trials(s).
Such candidates shall not be contacted in writing again by the National Executive Council or the Board of Fellows.
R(10) (a) Nomination of a Honorary Fellow may be made to the Board of Fellows by at
least one Corporate member of the Institution and seconded by 2 corporate
members. The nominee shall state in writing, the reason
(b) Not more than five Honorary Fellows shall be elected every two years.
(c) Election to Hon. Fellowship by the National Executive shall be on the recommendation of the Board of Fellows.
R(11) A student member may participate in all the activities of the Institution but shall not be permitted to vote or hold an elective office except in the Student Branch at the Institution in which he is a student.
Article 5: FEES AND DUES
R(1) (a) The cost of the Membership Application form shall be twenty thousand Naira
(20000.00) including the cost of processing the form and annual dues for one year. The student membership form is two thousand naira (N2000.00) including the processing fees.
(b) The annual dues shall be five thousand naira (5000.00) for Corporate members and seven thousand for Fellows. Life membership remains one hundred thousand for those below the age of seventy years.
(c) These fees and dues shall be reviewed from time to time by the National
Executive Council and approved by the Annual General Meeting before such reviews can
become effective.
R(2) The admission fee and annual dues shall be payable on the first day of the month following the date of election. Only upon the payment of this amount shall the person elected be entitled to the rights and privileges of membership in the grade to which he is assigned. If such a person does not comply with this requirement within three months after notice of his election, the National Executive may declare his election void.
R(3) The annual dues for each ensuing year shall be due and payable in advance on the first day of July. a bill for annual dues shall be mailed to each member by October of each year. Notice of arrears shall be sent thereafter as directed by the National Executive Council.
R(4) The Administrative Staff and the National Treasurer shall submit to the National Executive a list of members whose dues have not been paid by April 1st who will take action that may be considered appropriate.
R(5) After the close of the fiscal year on June 30th, the National Treasurer with assistance of Administrative staff shall submit to the National Executive Council a list of members whose dues have remained unpaid for 12 months. Such defaulters shall at the discretion of their National Executive Council be stricken from the roll of membership and shall cease to have any further rights as members.
R(6) The National Executive Council may temporarily excuse from payment of annual dues any member who from ill health, advanced age, or other good reason is unable to pay such dues; and the National Executive may remit the whole or part of dues in arrears.
R(7) The National Executive Council may restore to membership any person dropped from the rolls for non payment of dues or otherwise, upon such conditions as it may deem best. The National Executive Council shall also decide whether or not a reinstatement fee should be paid and the amount.
R(1) The National Executive Council shall consider the failure of an incumbent from inability or otherwise to perform the duties of his office, and may, by a two-third vote, declare, any elective office vacant. The National Executive Council shall there upon appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next election of officers. Such appointment shall not render the appointee ineligible for election to any office.
R(2) An act of the National Executive Council (within its power under the Constitution) which shall have received the expressed or implied sanction of the membership at the following meeting of the Institution shall be deemed to be an act of the Institution and cannot afterward be impeached by any member.
R(1) Upon taking office, the Chairman shall appoint, subject to approval of the National Executive Council such Administrative Committees to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Institution and such professional Committees to investigate and report upon subjects of agricultural engineering interest as may be deemed desirable.
R(2) Administrative and Professional Committees shall be standing or special, as the Bye-laws and Rules provide and the National Executive Council approves.
R(3) Each Committee shall perform the duties required by the Bye-laws and Rules, or assigned to it by the National Executive Council. Any proposed expenditure of a Committee must be authorized by the National Executive Council before it is incurred.
R(4) The National Executive Council may, at its discretion, remove any or all members of a committee, except of a nominating committee, and vacancies arising from this or any other cause shall be filled by appointment by the National Executive.
R(5) On or before June 1st of each year, each standing Committee shall deliver to the Secretary a written report of its work for presentation to the National Executive Council.
R(6) On or before June 1st of each year, each Special Committee shall deliver a written progress report to the Secretary for presentation to the National Executive Council. Upon receipt of this report the National Executive Council may at its discretion, continue with the committee. The Committee shall be discharged upon the adoption of the final report.
(a) Guidelines
The following guidelines will help the operations of the committee
- A small size committee (say 5-15 people) for effectiveness. Only the Chairman and 2 to 3 people maximum will be effective but 5 to 15 people for inclusiveness.
- Committee members shall be committed members of NIAE
- Each committee will have a NEC member who may not necessarily head the committee
- Each committee will have a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.
- Each committee will have at least a woman
- Each committee will have at least a young agricultural engineer
- Each committee will have at least a private or MDAs agricultural engineer
- Each committee will have at least one person from each region where possible
- Each committee will meet once a quarter virtually. Attendance can be digitally monitored with this.
- Each committee shall submit report to NEC. This will be good, with actionable proposals to the EXCO as outcome of their deliberations
- Each committee’s function shall be assigned to her by the National Chairman and NEC
- No member shall function in more than two committees for effectiveness.
- Each committee shall form a quorum with presence of minimum of three of members, including the Chairman or Vice Chairman.
- The Chairman shall preside over the meeting of the committee or Vice Chairman in his absence
(b) Standing Committees
The following standing committees and their terms of reference are listed;
- Board of JAET and Other Publications Committee
- The Board of JAET shall work with the editorial crew to strengthen the journal and other NIAE publications by laying out global standards for their operations.
- That shall ensure sustainability of our publications.
- They shall also see that our website is improved to make it dynamic and current for the Journal.
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Board of Fellows and NIAE Awards and Innovation Committee
- Shall recommend deserving candidates for fellowship conferment
- The Chairman is a member of NEC according to the NIAE amended constitution of 2014 and 2023
- Awards will be given on yearly basis during the AGM and conference.
- The committee shall work with NEC in ensuring that Awards are given on yearly basis during the AGM and Conference to recognize the efforts of deserving individuals and corporate organization.
- They assist in raising finances to support their activities and Awards
- They shall see that endowment is put in place where necessary.
- They shall also encourage innovations by members in all its ramifications.
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Budget, Fund Raising and Membership Drive Committee
- They shall suggest ways and work to raise money for the institution
- They shall work with NEC to plan and budget every year
- They shall ensure that such budgets are well implemented
- They shall work with NEC in membership drive. Good membership translates to a strong NIAE and vice versa.
- They shall work with NEC in ensuring members derive benefits from their membership.
- They shall work with financial officers in ensuring seamless a seamless membership demand notices are sent from time to time.
- They shall work on membership directory on yearly basis
- They shall ensure that debts are recovered by members
- They shall perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- International Affairs Committee
- This committee shall work with the EXCO/National Chairman to take advantage and opportunities of current involvement in agricultural engineering in Pan African Society for Agricultural Engineering (PASAE), International Commission of Agricultural and BioSystems Engineering (CIGR), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Canadian Society of BioEngineering (CSBE), International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO), Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE), etc, to reposition NIAE globally.
- It shall spearhead the revival of West African Society for Agricultural Engineering (WASAE)
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Students Affairs and Young Agricultural Engineers Committee
- The committee shall work with the students’ body for her establishment in all Universities and polytechnics. The Committee shall work:
- NEC in helping them to build capacity
- NEC in stablishing a mentoring programme
- To seek to help in making job opportunities available for them
- Organizations that can provide opportunities for entrepreneurship
- To provide opportunities for them to grow professionally
- Institutionalize diverse annual competitions/awards to boost students’ participation
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- NSE and NIAE Group Dynamics Committee
- Committee shall:
- Collate report of activities of various branches, regions and NEC for group dynamics
- Ensure the requirement are complied with
- See that the reports are submitted on time and in an excellent way to NSE
- Assist the secretariat in any other matter that has to do with group dynamics
- Ensure that branches and regions are well acquainted with the requirements
- Recommend appropriate awards to deserving branches and regions
- Perform any other function that may be delegated by NEC
- Collaborations and Triple Helix Committee
- This committee shall work with NEC to strengthen all Institutions that are exclusive to the profession. By this, we mean National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM), Agricultural Mechanics and Machinery Operators Training Center (AMMOTRAC) and Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute (NSPRI).
- They shall work with NEC to partner organizations such as with Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO), Projects Development Institute (PRODA), National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services (NAERLS), National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI), National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA), Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute (NSPRI)., National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP), Sheda Science and Technology Complex (SHESTCO), etc to showcase our potentials as Agric, Biosystems and Environmental (ABE) Engineers.
- They shall seek ways to collaborate with other relevant bodies like Federation of Agricultural Commodity Associations of Nigeria (FACAN), Agricultural Machineries and Equipment Fabricators Association of Nigeria (AMEFAN), Association of Deans of Agriculture of Nigerian Universities (ADAN) and private enterprises. We started already with FACAN and this will be sustained. As a matter of fact, there is need to interact more with industries.
- The triple helix (i.e University- Research-Industry) being put in place by Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), should be embraced by NIAE. We must leverage a fertile and productive industry partnership like NIFST, ASABE, etc are doing
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Women Agricultural and Bioresources Engineers Forum (WABEF)
- As part of SDGs goals, women play vital roles in agriculture from production to packaging and marketing. Hence the need for a forum for interaction by women agricultural engineers.
- The committee shall:
- Work with APWEN in mobilizing other women
- Mobilise Agricultural Engineering younger ladies and students and help in nurturing them through programmes and other relevant activities
- Help in proffering solutions to challenges of women farmers and processors.
- They shall mobilise Agricultural Engineering younger ladies and students and help in nurturing them through programmes and other relevant activities
- They shall help in proffering solutions to challenges that women that are involved in farming face
- They shall collaborate with international organizations in Africa in helping women in research, development and farming. Specifically, they shall work with FARA (Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa) and AWARD (Africa Women in Agricultural Research and Development) with full support of AfDB.
- They shall seek for assistantship for capacity building funding through bodies like TAAT (Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation) and TWAS (Third World Academy of Science) for women empowerment.
- Seek to develop and sustain an effective and active relations with the industry, institution, community, media and international agencies
- Provide a platform for advancement and promote fraternity amongst female Agric engineers.
- Formulate and implement effective agricultural prpgrammes which are designed to enhance skills and competences in the development of food security the country.
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Codes and Standards Committee
- The committee shall work with:
- NCAM and various universities, polytechnics and research institutes to identify projects that can be standardized
- Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and other agencies in ensuring that the standards are developed, or adapted and domesticated.
- NSE and other engineering divisions for the same purpose
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- NIAE EXCO and Institutional Heads/Directors/CEO Committee
- The committee shall:
- Ensure good liaison with all agricultural engineering related academic, research and public service institutions for coordinated implementation of NIAE decisions and feedback
- Operate online and meet regularly, but always at the Annual General Meetings (AGM)
- Be strategic in raising resources for the NIAE.
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Board of NIAE Ventures and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Firms
- The Board shall lay the foundation and building blocks for a profitable agro- company that will be the vehicle for implementing the NIAE Roadmap and other creative ideas to enhance the Institution’s innovations, productivity and profitability
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Forum of Past Presidents and Chairmen (FOPPAC)
- The Forum shall be made up of all past presidents and Chairmen, and serve in an advisory capacity to the Chairman and NEC
- Perform other functions as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
- Professional Development Committee
- This shall include Training and capacity building in
- Water-Energy-Food nexus
- Climate change and mitigation
- Infrastructures
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its implementation
- Technical and Vocational Skills Development
- Legislation matters.
- Entrepreneurship
- Artificial Intelligence etc
- Shall work in setting up Technical Committees that will assist in our Annual Conferences organization as done in ASABE
- The committee shall see to the professional development of members in all areas
- Shall work with conference planning committee in ensuring things are properly put in place
- Shall work with other allied bodies for capacity building of members
- Perform other functions related to curriculum review as may be delegated by the National Chairman and NEC.
R(1) The National Executive may, at its discretion appoint a member or members, or other persons, to represent it at meetings of Societies of kindred aim or at public functions. The duties of such representatives shall terminate with the occasion for which they were appointed.
R(2) The Chairman, subject to the approval of the National Executive, may nominate or appoint a member or other person or persons, to represent the Institution on professional or other Committees organized b other Societies or Institutions or by government agencies or others.
R(1) There shall be a returning officer elected by the Institution at the Annual General Meeting in an election year. The Returning Officer shall be assisted by some members.
R(2) The Returning Officer shall be responsible for the conduct of the election.
R(3) All candidates for election into the National Executive shall be of the grade of Corporate membership.
R(4) If a tie occurs in the vote for any officer, the presiding officer shall cast the deciding vote.
R(5) Electoral Guidelines
To contest or to be eligible for position, the following are the guidelines
R(5A) National Chairman
- He must have served meritoriously either as National Vice Chairman for at least two years or as Regional Chairman for at least three years
- Must have been in NEC and participated in meetings and activities of NEC. Attendance of at least 75% in NEC meetings
- Must know the workings of NIAE and NEC
- Shall only serve ONE term of two years.
- Must be visionary and result oriented person with the ability to galvanise available resources for the advancement of the profession
R(5B) National Vice Chairman
- Must have served meritoriously either as National Secretary for two years, Regional Chairman for at least two years or State Chairman for at least three years
- Must have been in NEC and participated in meetings and activities of NEC. Attendance of at least 75% in NEC meetings
- Must know the workings of NIAE and NEC
- Be ready to work with the National Chairman in realizing the goals and objectives of NIAE
R(5C) Regional Chairman
- Shall be elected by the Regional members or nominated and appointed by NEC in consultations with elders of the region
- They shall spend TWO years with renewable appointment for another two years based on very satisfactory performance.
- Must have served either as State Chairman or as National Exco member or State Exco member very satisfactorily
R(5D) General Guidelines for all Aspirants
- Take the electoral form
- Pay for the form. The amount to be paid can be suggested and approved by NEC
- Complete and submit form before deadline
- Be screened to meet the criteria for the post to which he/she is vying for.
- Be ready to give manifesto before election
- An active member of his or her region/chapter NIAE i.e consistent in meeting and chapter activities.
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the national level.
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the state/branch level where they exists
- Attended up to 50% of the state NIAE AGM in the last 10 years.
- Ready to prepare an issue-based manifesto
R(5E) General Guidelines for all Voters
- Up-to-date in NIAE dues payment at the national level.
- Ready to vote candidate of their choice based on their conviction
- Must register with their emails and phone numbers for them to vote online wherever they are
Article 10: OFFICERS
R(1) The officers shall perform the duties regularly or customarily attaching to their offices under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and such other duties as may be required of them by the National Executive or Council of NSE or the Bye-laws.
R(2) In the absence of the Chairman, his duties shall be performed by the Vice Chairman or in the absence of both, a member of the National Executive.
R(3) The Treasurer and the Administrative Assistant shall be responsible for collecting all the funds of the Institution. The Treasurer shall present an annual financial report to the Institution.
R(4) The Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all funds of the Institution. The disbursement of all funds shall be made by the Treasurer with approval of the National Executive. He shall also present an annual report.
R(5) Any officer may be subject to removal for cause by a vote of 60% of the National Executive at any time, after one month’s written notice has been given him to show cause why he should not be removed, and after he had been heard in his own defense if he so desires.
R(6) The Institution shall appoint through NEC an capable Administrative Staff who should be an Agricultural Engineer with information and communication skills to run NIAE Offices.
R(7) Administrative Assistant
The Institution shall appoint an Administrative Assistant to perform the following functions.
(a) Job Purpose
The Administrative Assistant is expected to provide general administrative services and oversee office modalities.
(b) Duties
- Staff Support: Coordinate and prepare venue for meetings and special events. Ensure the arrangement of equipment and required necessities;
- Customer Service: Required to serve as a customer service representative to internal and external customers and guests for the department. Expected to answer telephones and ensure effective communication with apt customer service skills;
- NIAE Meeting Facilitation: Support NIAE executive team and various member committees to facilitate meetings via virtual platforms or physical meetings at NIAE Abuja office;
- General Mail Correspondence: Responsible for sorting and distribution of all incoming and outgoing mails to appropriate correspondences;
- NIAE Calendar of Activities: Maintain calendar of Institute’s activities and manage correspondences with both the internal and external customers;
- Social Media Handles: Publish appropriate content relating to activities of Institute via appropriate social media handles and maintain correspondence with user communities to high levels of engagement and satisfaction;
- Filing: Create and maintain an effective filing system, ensuring easily retrieval of documents and accuracy of the process for the Institute.
- Maintain supplies: Check stock to determine inventory levels and ascertain required items, place and expedite orders and ensure the delivery of supplies to appropriate departments
- Assist financial officer in collection of membership registration fees, arrears of dues and other forms of income. NIAE has a POS for such services; and
- Will perform other duties as may be directed by the National Chairman or his representative.
R(1) The object of a geographical branch of the Institution shall be to provide means of promoting the work of the Institution by an organization of members who are resident within a given territory.
R(2) A branch of the Institution may be organized upon acceptance by the National Executive of the written request of a satisfactory number of members. Such a branch shall be designated as ………….. branch of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers.
R(3) The provisions of the Constitution, Bye-laws and Rules of the Institution shall cover the procedure of all branches, but no action or obligation of a branch shall be considered an action of the Institution as a whole. This Bye-law shall be imprinted on any publication issued by the branch.
R(4) For the convenience and conduct of its affairs, each branch shall organize an Executive Committee.
R(5) The activities of the branch shall be in general accord with the objects and aims of the Institution as a whole.
R(6) The National Executive of the Institution on 60 days notice, may suspend or disband any branch.
R(7) When the number of members of the Institution in any area within the limits of the Federal Republic of Nigeria favour the formation of a branch in that area, a meeting shall be called and notice sent to the entire membership of the Institution residing in that area. At this meeting an application for the formation of a branch, containing suggestions as to area to be included in the branch may be presented and if adopted, shall be sent to the National Executive through the Secretary of the Institution for consideration by the National Executive.
R(8) Upon approval of the application by the National Executive, a meeting of the signatories shall be held for the selection of a temporary Executive Committee of at least three members. This Committee shall have charge of and be responsible for the proceedings of the branch until the next election of officers.
R(9) The Executive Committee of a branch shall consist of a Coordinator, a Secretary, and such other officers as may be found desirable. Such officers shall be elected by ballot of the members of the Institution constituting the branch.
R(10) A member of the Institution shall be entitled to vote or to hold office in more than one branch at a time.
R(11) The Secretary of each branch shall report the proceedings of that branch to the Secretary of the Institution for notice in the publications. He shall discharge the duties of Secretary of the branch, and such responsibilities as may be prescribed by the National Executive Committee.
R(12) Any expenditure chargeable to the Institution for the purpose of any branch must be authorized by the National Executive before it is incurred. No liability otherwise incurred shall be binding upon the Institution.
R(13) A branch may arrange to hold joint meetings with other engineering organizations and
may invite members of such organization to attend its meeting but all expenses incurred shall be binding only on the branch and not the Institution as a whole.
R(14) Each branch may adopt its own Bye-laws for the conduct of its affairs, provided that
such Bye-laws are in harmony with the Constitution, Bye-laws and Rules of the Institution and provided also that every publication of such Bye-laws be prefaced with a copy of this rule.
R(1) A student branch may be organized upon acceptance by the National Executive of the written request of at least ten students pursuing a professional agricultural engineering curriculum in a school of accepted standing. Such branch shall be designated as the Student Branch of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers.
R(2) The provisions of the Constitution, Bye-laws and Rules of the Institution shall cover the procedure of all student branches but not action or obligation of a Student Branch shall be considered an action or obligation of the Institution as a whole. This Bye-law shall be imprinted on any publication issued by the Student branch.
R(3) The National Executive shall assist in organizing, fostering and governing student branches and their activities.
R(4) Upon the recommendation of a Student branch, the Chairman of the Institution shall designate a Corporate member of the Institution as Faculty Adviser for oe year, to be an ex-officio member of the governing body of the student branch.
R(5) Annually each Student branch shall elect officers including a president and a governing body of at least three members of the branch.
R(1) All publications of the Institution shall be under the direction of the National Executive Council
R(2) The Secretariat shall be responsible for the publication of the Newsletter.
R(3) The Publications Committee shall be responsible for the publication of the proceedings of the Annual conferences.
R(4) The National Executive Council shall establish an editorial board for the Journal (Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Technology), which shall be responsible to the National Executive Council for its editorial policy.
R(5) The Institution shall not be responsible for statement or opinions advanced in papers or in discussions at meetings of the Institution, or of its divisions or sections, or printed in its publications.
R(6) The Institution reserves the right to copyright, at the discretion of the National Executive Council, any of its papers, discussions, report or publications.
Article 14: FUNDS
R(1) The Institution shall open an account with a bank as directed by the National Executive.
R(2) All funds shall be paid into the Bank Account of the Institution and such funds shall be entered into the books of the Institution. All withdrawals from the account shall bear the signatures of the Chairman and the Treasurer.
R(3) All bills against members and others shall be made and collected by the Financial Secretary.
R(4) Funds may be collected from sources outside the Institution for the conduct of research. All contributions to the Institution for any specific purpose shall be disbursed under the direction of the National Executive.
R(5) The accounts of the Institution shall be audited and approved annually by a chartered or other competent public Accountant approved by the National Executive.
R(1) All members of the institution shall subscribe to the following Canons of ethics for engineers as required by the constitution.
Honesty, justice, and courtesy form moral philosophy which, associated with mutual interest among men, constitutes the foundation of ethics, the engineer should recognize such standard, not in passive observance, but as a set of dynamic principles guiding his conduct and way of life. It is his duty to practice his profession according to these Canons of Ethics.
As the key stone of professional conduct is integrity, the engineer will discharge his duty with fidelity to the public, his employers and clients and with fairness and impartiality to all. It is his duty to interest himself in public welfare, and to be ready to apply his special knowledge for the benefit of mankind. He should uphold the honour and dignity of his profession and also avoid association with any enterprise of questionable character. In his dealings with fellow engineers, he should be fair and tolerant.
R(1) The engineer will cooperate in extending the effectiveness of the engineering profession by interchanging information and experience with other engineers and students by contributing to the work of engineering societies, Schools and the Scientific and engineering press.
R(2) He will advertise his work or merit in a self-laudatory manner, and he will avoid all conduct or practice likely to discredit or to do injury to the dignity and honour of his profession.
R(3) The engineer will endeavour to extend public knowledge of engineering, and will discourage the spreading of untrue, unfair, and exaggerated statements regarding engineering.
R(4) He will have due regard for the safety of life and health of the public and employees who may be affected by the work he is responsible.
R(5) He will express an opinion only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction while he is serving as a witness before a Court, Commission, or other Tribunal.
R(6) He will not issue expert statements, criticisms, or arguments on matters connected with public policy which are inspired or paid for by private interests, unless he indicates on whose behalf he is making the statement.
R(7) He will refrain from expressing publicly an opinion on an engineering subject unless he is informed as to the facts relating thereto.
R(8) The engineer will act in professional matters for each client or employer as a faithful or trustee.
R(9) He will act with fairness and justice between his client and employer and the contractor when dealing with contractors.
R(10) He will make his status clear to his client or employer before undertaking an engagement if he may be called upon to decide on the use of inventions, apparatus, or any other thins in which he may have a financial interest.
R(11) He will guard against conditions that are dangerous or threatening to life, limb, or property on work for which he is responsible, or if he is not responsible, will promptly call such conditions to the attention of those who are responsible.
R(12) He will present clearly the consequences to be expected from developments proposed if his engineering judgment I overruled by non-technical authority in cases where he is responsible for the technical adequacy of engineering work.
R(13) He will engage, or advise his client or employer to engage, and he will corporate with, other experts and specialists whenever the client or employer’s interest are best served by such service.
R(14) He will disclose not information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of client or employers without their consent.
R(15) He will not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one interested party for the same service, or for services pertaining to the same work, without the consent of all interested parties.
R(16) He will accept commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly from contractors or other parties dealing with his client or employer in connection with work for which he is responsible.
R(17) He will not be financially interested in the bonds as of a contractor on competitive work for which he is employed as an engineer unless he has the consent of his client or employer.
R(18) He will promptly disclose to his client or employer any interest in an business which may compare with or affect his decision regarding engineering work for which he is employed or which he may be called upon to perform.
R(19) The engineer will endeavour to protect the engineering profession collectively and individually from misrepresentation and misunderstanding.
R(20) He will take care that credit for engineering work is given to those to whom credit is properly due.
R(21) He will uphold the principle of appropriate and adequate compensation for those engaged in engineering work, including those in subordinate capacities, as being in the public interest and maintaining the standards of the profession.
R(22) He will endeavour to provide opportunity for the professional development and advancement of engineers in his employment.
R(23) He will not directly or indirectly injure the professional reputation, prospects, or practice of another engineer.
R(24) He will exercise due restraint in criticizing another engineer’s work in public, recognizing the fact that the engineering societies and the engineering press provide the proper forum for technical discussions and criticism.
R(25) He will not try to supplant another engineer in a particular employment after becoming aware that definite steps have been taken towards the other’s employment.
R(26) He will not use the advantage of a salaried position to compete unfairly with another engineer.
R(27) He will not become associated in responsibility for work with engineers who do not conform to ethical practices.
Article 17: AMENDMENTS
R(1) In the case of a tie vote on an amendment, the presiding officer at the meeting of the Institution shall cast the deciding vote.
R(2) At any regular meeting, the National Executive may, by a two-thirds vote of its members present enact, repeal or amend Bye-laws in harmony with the constitution, provided that such Bye-laws or amendments shall have been submitted in writing ot each member of the National Executive at least 30 days before the meeting at which action is to be taken. A Bye-law shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the National Executive and shall be published at once by the secretary to all members of the Institution.
R(3) At any regular meeting by a majority vote of its members present, the National Executive may enact, repeal, or amend Rule in harmony with the Constitution and Bye-laws. A Rule or an amendment thereto shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the National Executive and shall be published by the Secretary to all members of the Institution.
The income and property of the Nigeria Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE)
when so ever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the NIAE as set forth in the Rules and Regulations/Constitution; and no portion thereof shall be paid or
transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise or by way of profit to
the members of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers NIAE.
Provided that nothing here shall prevent the payment, in good faith, or reasonable and
proper remuneration to an officer or servant of the NIAE in return for any services actually rendered to the institution but so that no member of the council of Management or Governing body shall be appointed to any salaried office of the Institution or any office of the Institution paid by fees; and that no remuneration or other benefit in money or money shall be given by the Institution to any member of such council or Governing body except repayment of out of
pocket expenses or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised, or let to the Institution
provided that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment of any company to a
member of the Institution may be a company in which such member shall not hold more than
one hundredth part of the capital and such member shall not be bound to account for any share
of profits he may receive in respect of such payment.
No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in the RULES and
REGULATIONS/CONSTITUTION for the time being in force, unless the same have been
previously submitted to and approved by the Minister
In the event of a winding-up or dissolution of the Institution, there remains after the
satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever the same shall not be aid to
or distributed among the members of the Institution but shall be given or transferred to some other Institutions or Institution, having objects similar to the objects of the Institution and the body or bodies are prohibited from distributing its or their income and property amongst its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Institutions under or by virtue of the SPECIAL CLAUSE hereof, such Institution or Institutions to be determined by the members of the Institution at or before the time of dissolution and if in so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision then to some charitable object.