· To solidify your professional status. Whether you attend meetings, present technical papers or serve on a committee, you will get professional recognition.
· To contribute to your profession. With your participation you will influence the future of engineering for agricultural, food. environmental and biological systems. NIAE represent your professional interests.
· To meet and network with others. Membership provides networking opportunities and allows you to develop professional relationships with peers who share the same interests, or with possible employers, or employees.
· To attend professional development workshops and other capacity building programmes.
· To provide you with access to a global network. NIAE is a national member of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems (CIGR) since 2017. NIAE is has been in partnership with American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) since 2010.
· To provide opportunity for ASABE membership and access to ASABE Technical Library. NIAE can assist you to register as a member of ASABE. Subsequent upon your membership of ASABE, you can access the Technical library that has over 120,000 articles. More than 2000 new technical papers, articles, standards and books are added to the information base each year.
· To give you access to professional development opportunities. The NIAE and ASABE are committed to the continuing professional development of their members.
· To help students and young engineers get a solid start in the engineering profession.

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What is included in your membership?
· Double membership for one low fee. Membership of the world body CIGR (www.cigr.org) plus opportunity for membership ASABE
· NIAE Enews, the NIAE monthly newsletter, reports on people, regional events, meetings, awards and opinions.
· CIGR Newsletter. Opportunity to receive the quarterly newsletter of CIGR.
· Link with NSE information and regular updates
· Inside ASABE, the ASABE newsletter within Resource Magazine.
· JAET journal. access to articles on JAET – the NIAE Official journal.
· An up-to-date web site at www.niae.net. The website is been upgraded.
· Social media to learn about most recent member activities.

Other members benefits
· Professional Committees will offer workshops in different areas for members to build capacity.
· Technical Committees are being worked out such members can develop based on their technical interest in the specialised areas of agricultural, food and environmental engineering
· Awards for regular members and students, Scholarships and Recognition.
· NIAE Member Roster. Annual listing of your colleague by name, geographic area and employer as well as contacts for technical committees will be made available online.